This course focuses on node.js and the express framework to create a web server or web application. It will use mongodb as the database and will conclude with a brief introduction to the Angular framework. At the end participants will have a good understanding of the MEAN stack (Mongo, Angular and Node.js) but even if you are not planning on using Angular understanding Node.js and Express could transform your approach to web applications. Node.js is very developer friendly and there can be a lot of productivity gains obtained by using javascript for server side development.
Training provider
Cacttus Education
Duration of training
5 Weeks
Total number of training hours
30 hours
Recurrence of training
4 times per year, every 3 months
Min. number of participants for starting course
Certificate of Achievement
60 €
Registration deadline(s)
6 May 2023
Training Language offered
Web and Mobile App Development
Training Type
In person
TBD in-house Cacttus Education trainer
Contact(s) for registrations/questions
Veton Xhelili [email protected] 00383 (0)44 602 237 Training Coordinator