About Us

The Innovation and Training Park (ITP) Prizren is the most unique location in the region, that fosters collaboration in a vibrant community, aiming to become the regional hub for entrepreneurship innovation, business and skills development, and a source of innovative and successful ideas.

What we do? Mission and Vision Meet our team

What we do?

ITP Prizren establishes cooperative linkages among different stakeholders at the park, offering an environment that fosters synergies between:

  • Private sector (companies, enterprises and start-ups)
  • Public sector (public institutions, entities and agencies)
  • Civil Society Organizations (NGOs and other non-profit entities), and
  • Academia (Public & Private Universities, other research & education institutions, Vocational Education and Training Providers).

By connecting all these segments of the ecosystem, ITP Prizren creates a different perspective on entrepreneurship and business environment in general, also resulting in generation of better jobs, in terms of skills and practical knowledge, as well as better incomes.

ITP Prizren, made of about 40 hectares of green spaces and nearly 50 buildings – targets the following segments:

  • Kosovar, regional & international companies – which commercialize innovations from research and product development activities, boost the economy and offers possibilities for praxis-oriented learning, including:
    • Incubators and accelerators – which will promote entrepreneurial activity and inter-sector interaction and partnerships
    • Start-Ups – which will be scaled up and grow through capacity development and interaction with other segments of ITP.
    • Recreational services – such as sport halls, green spaces, small grocery shops and cafeterias that will further contribute to the community building.
  • Universities, research & education institutes/foundations and VET Providers – to provide high-quality application-oriented education, tailored to the needs of the labor market.
  • Public institutions and agencies – delivering access to services and providing shared infrastructure and equipment
  • Civil Society Organizations – to provide nonformal education and contribute with social and cultural activities to the park.

All these sectors can be accompanied by companies from synergistical segments. The most relevant selection criteria is a positive impact on the innovation ecosystem.

Creating prospects for Innovation, Development and Growth

Kosovo is a country with steady economic growth throughout the years and great human potential though its youngest population in Europe. Having young population, and internet penetration of close to 100% of households and territory, creates great advantages for the country in terms of skilled and familiarized youth with technology trends. However, bridging the gap between labour market demands and job seekers’ skills remains a major challenge in Kosovo

Therefore, ITP Prizren is designed to create incentives to boost the innovative ecosystem through connecting, bridging, and supporting these segments to cooperate, better perform, and create employment profiles and set of skills aligned with the market demands.

Co-financed by German and Kosovo Governments, and implemented by GIZ, ITP Prizren programme uses the astonishing and well-maintained infrastructure of the former KFOR camp.


ITP Prizren is a focal point for innovation, business and skills development, and a source of innovative and successful ideas in the Western Balkans region.


To enable innovation through cooperative linkages and synergy among the stakeholders at the park. By connecting Private Sector, Public Sector, Civil Society Organizations and Academia, ITP Prizren creates a different perspective on entrepreneurship and business environment in general, also resulting in generation of better jobs, in terms of skills and practical knowledge, as well as better incomes.

ITP Association

Muhamed Rexhepi
Muhamed Rexhepi
Executive Director
Teuta Përdibuka
Information & Tenant Relations Officer
Ardijana Nushi
Finance Manager
Blertin Maloku
Facility Manager
Derya Brlajolli
Administrative Officer
Besmir Krasniqi
Team Leader - Digital Innovation Gateway for Kosovo (DIG-4K)
Liridona Ahma
Project Coordinator - Digital Innovation Gateway for Kosovo (DIG-4K)
Sedef Balik
Project Assistant - Digital Innovation Gateway for Kosovo (DIG-4K)

GIZ/ITP Prizren

Hans Juergen Cassens
Hans Juergen Cassens
Head of the Innovation and Training Park Prizren Programme
Rudina Qerimi
Programme Component Manager
Tuba Cirak
Tuba Yuecel
Finance Manager
Denis Daut
Advisor on Organizational Development and Sector Network Management
Arsim Nimanaj
Business Development Advisor
Visar Haxhifazliu
Education and Youths
Zana Aqifi
Communication Specialist
Dea Hajdaraj
Event Management & PR Support
Eneida Berisha
Junior Advisor Urban and Regional Development
Fiona Pirana
Junior Advisor on Economic Cooperation and Private Sector Development
Trendeline Dema
Trendelina Dema
Procurement and Contracting Specialist
Nermin Grazhda
Nermin Grazhda
Office Manager
Bekim Kocinaj
Bekim Kocinaj

In memoriam

Arbër Mulaku
Facility Manager

Members of the Assembly:

  • Vera Baumann, Head of Development Cooperation in German Embassy (Chairperson)
  • Matthias Conrad, Deputy Head of Mission of the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in the Republic of Kosovo
  • Günther Horzetzky
  • Vedat Sagonjeva, Office of the Prime Minister
  • Dije Rizvanolli, Ministry of Finance, Labour and Transfers
  • Laura Zherka, Ministry of Industry, Entrepreneurship and Trade